How to Install Latest Version of Glances – Linux System Monitoring Tool

Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool which aims to present a maximum of information in a minimum of space through a curses or Web based interface. It can adapt dynamically the displayed information depending on the user interface size. Glances is written in Python and uses libraries to grab information from your system. It is based on an open architecture where developers can add new plugins or exports modules.

Monitoring Features :

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Load
  • Process list
  • Network interface
  • Disk I/O
  • IRQ / Raid
  • Sensors
  • Filesystem
  • Monitor
  • Alert
  • System info
  • Uptime
  • Quicklook

Installation For latest version From Official Source :

Glances Auto Install script: the total way

To install both dependencies and latest Glances production ready version (aka master branch), just enter the following command line:

curl -L | /bin/bash


wget -O- | /bin/bash

PyPI: The simple way

Glances is on PyPI. By using PyPI, you are sure to have the latest stable version.

To install, simply use pip:

pip install glances
pip install psutil

Note: Python headers are required to install psutil. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu you need to install first the python-dev package. For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL install first python-devel package. For Windows, just install psutil from the binary installation file.

Note 2 (for the Wifi plugin): If you want to use the Wifi plugin, you need to install the wireless-tools package on your system.

You can also install the following libraries in order to use optional features (like the Web interface, exports modules…):

pip install glances[action,browser,cloud,cpuinfo,chart,docker,export,folders,gpu,ip,raid,snmp,web,wifi]

Upgrade/Update Glances to latest version :

To upgrade Glances to the latest version:

pip install --upgrade glances

To remove Glances :

pip uninstall glances

Easy Installation from base (not always latest version) :

You can also install glances from OS base :

Centos :

yum install glances

Ubuntu :

apt-get install glances

Start Glances:

To start Glances via command line type this command :

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