Servercheap.NET The Best VPS – Virtual Private Server Provider in Low Price

Today I’ll share with you a VPS server provider which is the best at its price and performance wise also. Yes Servercheap.NET as the VPS provider it includes DDOS protection, Pure SSD and obviously Fair Usage i.e. no issue in the peak time (safe from noisy neighbors). Our site is also hosted on there server.

Servercheap.NET currently providing KVM servers and OpenVZ 7 Server with Docker support. Both OpenVZ 7 and KVM are capable to run docker since they are using all latest server technology. I’ve tested them around 6 months now and founded they are pretty much bulletproof in terms of speed and security, uptime of the server is also fantastic. There support is one of the best I’ve ever seen I got replied in 1 hour all the time.

You can also ask them to provide a free ipv6 IP via ticket they will attach one for your VPS in no time. Also you’ll get 1gbit connection and Truly Unmetered bandwidth.

This server is idle for Free Control Panel like :

  1. CWP – Control Web panel – Recommended
  2. VestaCP
  3. CyberPanel

For sure you can also run Commercial control panels like Cpanel, Plesk etc without any issues.

Servercheap.NET  Rating : 5 stars

They are providing server in 2 locations :

  • Chicago
  • LA – Los Angeles

KVM planes are the best in price I’ll recommend to use KVM for the start

There prices for HYBRID server as follows :

You can help me by purchasing servers from my affiliated link

There prices for KVM as follows :

You can help me by purchasing servers from my affiliated link

There prices for OpenVZ 7 as follows Yearly Plan :

You can help me by purchasing servers from my affiliated link

Here are the some benchmark of there VPS :

CPU information – Frequency :

CPU model            : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        : 2699.998 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 23.0 GB (4.0 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 1837 MB (416 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 2047 MB (94 MB Used)
System uptime        : 96 days, 5 hour 8 min
Load average         : 0.02, 0.05, 0.05
OS                   : CentOS 7.6.1810
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64

Network and DISK speed test :

Speedtest (IPv4 only)
Your public IPv4 is

Location                Provider        Speed
CDN                     Cachefly        61.1MB/s

Atlanta, GA, US         Coloat          51.0MB/s
Dallas, TX, US          Softlayer       42.9MB/s
Seattle, WA, US         Softlayer       25.6MB/s
San Jose, CA, US        Softlayer       21.6MB/s
Washington, DC, US      Softlayer       53.6MB/s

Tokyo, Japan            Linode          14.6MB/s
Singapore               Softlayer       12.2MB/s

Rotterdam, Netherlands         17.9MB/s
Haarlem, Netherlands    Leaseweb        27.6MB/s

Disk Speed
I/O (1st run)   : 709 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)   : 653 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)   : 718 MB/s
Average I/O     : 693.333 MB/s

You can help me by purchasing servers from my affiliated link

You can use 15% off coupon code yes15 for life with KVM purchase.

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