How Install Nodejs via NVM – Node Version Manager and Useful Commands
In this tutorial we’ll install NVM – Node Version Manager, NVM provides an option for easy installation of Node.js also you can also install specific version of Node.js and multiple Node.js versions on the same system using nvm and use required version for application. NVM will solve the issue with the different versions are required for your application.
This tutorial will work on many OS and at the time I tested with Ubuntu and CentOS including control panels centos webpanel – CWP, vestacp, cpanel, webmin, diretadmin etc.
Lets get Started :
Step 1 :
For Ubuntu install cURL first :
apt-get install curl -y
Install NVM from Git :
curl | bash
You can close the ssh session and start it again or Reload system environment via this command :
Centos :
source ~/.bashrc
Ubuntu :
source ~/.profile
Lists Of NVM commands :
To list all nodejs version
nvm ls-remote
To install multiple nodejs or single version :
nvm install v10.1.0
along with version 8 and 9 :
nvm install v8.11.1 nvm install v9.11.1
Stetting up Node.js Default Version :
nvm list
the output will be like this :
[root@mysterydata ~]# nvm list v8.11.1 v9.11.1 -> v10.1.0 system default -> v10.1.0 node -> stable (-> v10.1.0) (default) stable -> 10.1 (-> v10.1.0) (default) iojs -> N/A (default) lts/* -> lts/carbon (-> v8.11.1) lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A) lts/boron -> v6.14.2 (-> N/A) lts/carbon -> v8.11.1
here “-> v10.1.0” is the default version, “-> ” is the default indicator
To change the Default nodejs version to version 8 run this command :
nvm use v8.11.1
then again run
nvm list
output :
[root@mysterydata ~]# nvm list -> v8.11.1 v9.11.1 v10.1.0 system default -> v10.1.0 node -> stable (-> v10.1.0) (default) stable -> 10.1 (-> v10.1.0) (default) iojs -> N/A (default) lts/* -> lts/carbon (-> v8.11.1) lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A) lts/boron -> v6.14.2 (-> N/A) lts/carbon -> v8.11.1
you can also verify via this command :
node --version
To remove specific node version which is already installed run this command :
nvm list
Then run to remove the version :
nvm uninstall v9.11.1 or nvm remove v9.11.1