Privacy Policy


This privacy page was added with the intent of providing explanation to some matters regarding the site, and about what data’s we gather. Confidentiality is crucial for us, and we only need a few information.

What are the data’s we are gathering and what are reasons behind the collection?

In providing a comment on this site, you would need to provide your email address so we can contact you regarding your concerns if needed. If in case in the opt-in form portion you will input your name and your email, then you will receive a confirmation email from Aweber. Upon clicking on the email link, your email information will be transferred to the Aweber email marketing list for you to receive the most recent significant updates. Rest assured, we will never sell or market your personal information in any way.


Cookies are used in this blog as well as server log to gather necessary data’s like your visitation time, the pages that you were interested in, how much time did it took you to look into the specific page, and other web activities.


This website cannot be copies or reproduced in any event. Nothing in this site can be used for other purposes, like the reviews, videos, and other things on this domain: Any individual or organization who will illegally fabricate the name of the owner of the websites name, blog or video will be subject for legal actions.

Define what cookies are

Cookies are little piece of information that are being sent to the computer’s hard drive in order to store what we call a rare identifier file. There is a specific portion of your computer that is allocated for cookies only, and any website can send a cookie to preferred browser. But you have the option not to accept cookies, all you have to do is configure your settings. However, if you choose not accept cookies, there might be functions in your site that will not work properly. A cookie does not have the ability to help with information retrieval or computer viruses.

What are the usages of the cookies that we collect?

Once you visit our website, our site cookies will check the difference between you and the other users. The cookies we store in your browser will allow you to smoothly visit our site without the hassle of encountering repeated log ins for security purposes. Cookies, together with our web server log files, determine the percentage of people going to our site, and which page is mostly patronized. In this way, we can improve on our site’s pages so we can provide more reliable service to our valued clients. The cookies cannot collect personal information that your browser has.

IP Addresses

An IP address is a numerical label that is provided to each electronic device that is connected to a computer network. Once you visit our website, our web server will collect your IP address for traffic data purposes. This process allows you to receive the web page you want to enter.

Information selling and sharing

We never sell. Lend, share, or lease any personal information like email addresses or any contact information. Unless it is requested by you, or we deemed it necessary to perform your required needs, we not use your provided information for any other purposes.

What’s the process in accessing and correcting your information?

If you need to access your personal information provided in our website, all you have to do is send us an email stating your wants.

How about the legally compelled disclosure of Information?  

If there is a need to disclose of your information for legal purposes, and if we can prove that the law needs your personal identification, then we will be obliged to provide them the needed information.  If it brings legal justification then we will in good faith surrender the collected information about you, especially there is an issue with the violation of our Terms of Service for user’s safety.

How about the linked websites to our website?

We do not hold any liability for any actions made by websites that are connected to our website regarding your personal data’s or site content. We usually provide links to site contents in order for our users and visitors to get additional information regarding a certain topic.

You need to remember that once you leave our website to visit the link provided, then our Privacy Policy does not apply anymore. You are then subjected to the terms of policy of the site that you visited using the link provided in our website. You may need to go through their rules and policy before you continue browsing.

Consent from you

In using our website, you therefore provide your consent for us to use your information in guidance with our Privacy Policy. We have the right to change the policy as we see fit without prior notice.

Data Security commitment from us

You need to remember that whatever information you provided us will be stored in our servers in the US. The US laws on storing personal data’s may not be the same as the laws you have in your country. We have equipped our sites with the technology to protect your personal information, so you need to make sure that all data’s are accurate and updated.


If our visitors wish not to receive any email messages from us, then you can unsubscribe and you will not receive any future messages from our site.

We have a special note about children

Children under the age of 13 are not qualified to subscribe to our services. Children are therefore not advised to provide their personal information in the website. If a minor will need to use our website, it needs to have a permission and guidance form a legal guardian.

Acquisition or Changes in Ownership

If in case that our website will be acquired by another entity, all your personal information will be provided to the new owner.

Modifications of the policy

The Privacy Policy is subject to change anytime. The users will receive an email notification regarding the needed change. The changes will also be posted in the website so please make sure to check any updated provided regularly. If in case there is a need for us to change the Privacy Policy, we will need your consent to use your personal information to coincide with our modified policy.

For any additional information that you require, or if you have further questions about our policy for privacy, you can contact us here anytime.

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