Upgrade to RoundCube Mail Version 1.5.3 on CWP – Centos Web Panel

Update Roundcube on CWP – we’ll update the roundcube mail to latest version, The new Version of Roundcube 1.4 have clear Interface with modern look also in this version some major security holes were fixed. It is recommended to update the roundcube to latest version. Under latest version you can also configure calendar plugin faultlessly which are available on roundcube plugins site.

NEW TUTORIAL IS IN THE FORUM RoundCube Mail Version 1.5.3 : https://blog.alphagnu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6

You can also update roundcube via this command in cwp server up-to version 1.4.xx only for now:

sh /scripts/mail_roundcube_update

For manual update to latest version follow this steps :

Lets get started with the tutorial, difficulty level is easy.


Install Required php extension INTL in CWP :-

Centos 7 :
To install INTL :

yum update ca-certificates -y
curl -s -L https://blog.alphagnu.com/upload/tmp/cwp_rc_fix.sh | bash

To remove INTL :

curl -s -L https://blog.alphagnu.com/upload/tmp/cwp_rc_fix_remove.sh | bash

Centos 8 :
To install INTL :

dnf update ca-certificates -y
curl -s -L https://blog.alphagnu.com/upload/tmp/el8/cwp_rc_fix_el8.sh | bash

To remove INTL :

curl -s -L https://blog.alphagnu.com/upload/tmp/cwp_rc_fix_remove.sh | bash

Step 2

Download roundcube script from official source :

cd /usr/local/src
rm -rf roundcube*
wget https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/releases/download/1.5.0/roundcubemail-1.5.0-complete.tar.gz

Now extract the archive file :

tar xf roundcubemail-1.5.0-complete.tar.gz

Step 3

Update the Roundcube installation :

cd  roundcubemail-1.5.0
bin/installto.sh /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/roundcube

Installation Instructions :

Upgrading from 1.2.3. Do you want to continue? (y/N)
type : y and hit enter 

At last you’ll see this message upon installation complete :

Running update script at target...
Executing database schema update.
Updating database schema (2016081200)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2016100900)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2016112200)... [OK]
Updating database schema (2018021600)... [OK]
This instance of Roundcube is up-to-date.
Have fun!
All done.

All done check by login into roundcube

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